
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

SassyCat Book Blogger: Day Eight

Today topic is about your best blogger moments, and I know since created SassyCat's Books Review there's been many things that happen. 

1. My first Author Request, Yep my first request was just right around June and it was about a HOW-TO-MANUAL for Cats. Yes you heard me a Manual for Cats, the book written by Steven Fisher writing an documentary type book on his cat Quasi. Quasi is the narrator sharing his every day life and what to do when this or this happens. 
It was actually an interesting book and I as a reader thought Buddy( My cat) might have used some of these tricks and why he does some thing he does now. 
Now I get Author Requests every once in awhile and I have turned down some due to tight schedules 

2. Meeting other blogging through via Twitter, Everyone is awesome! I'm keeping my fingers cross that someday, someway I'll meet them all because they are truly awesome! This summer I'll be meeting a few at UTopYA Con in Nashville, and I don't think I'll be getting any sleep over that weekend. For those that are reading this, I can't wait to see your faces

3. Meeting an Author, my first author event was November 2012 at a local small bookstore in Minnesota but actually it was at an nearby church and there was wine! So who did I meet? ANDREA CREMER the author of Nightshade. We had an really great conversation but I was just so nervous talking to an author! 

I've attended two events where Andrea has visit and I got all my books signed by her, I even have the Hardcover of the first book! 

My other author event was Jeri Smith-Ready, I was a guilty blogger because I haven't read her Shade series and those books been out for awhile. She was so nice! and she did a discussion on how twitter evolve open communications between authors and readers. I couldn't agree more!

4. Pretty Swag, you know what I mean, bookmarks, postcards, bookplates and such. Some are signed by the author of course. One time I had sent an author her books to get them signed for my friend as a birthday gift and in return of sending it back to me just in time was a whole bunch swag! That was really awesome then I thought, well how about other authors that I've been following or been reading their books do they have swag? Well yes! and even some had contests and such for receiving them. I got so much now that I have a small container to put them in. 

5. Giveaways, I have won many books from giveaways either by other bloggers or authors, according to my Goodreads "Won shelf" I have won 26 books but there are some unaccounted for because I can't duplicates books that I have already read. So for example I won the first 5 books of the Soul Screamers by Rachel Vincent through one of her contest and I had all of them already but on the plus side they were signed!

6. My VERY FIRST ARC! It came from scholastic, just before the holidays and at first I thought it was a package that my parents ordered but it was address to me and I was thinking . . . I don't remember winning a book recently. So when I opened it and saw the pretty book, my jaw dropped . . .  it was an ARC! I just finished reading it last Saturday and is working on a review right now as we speak, it sitting in my draft right now! Alright alright I'll stop teasing you :-)

So what are some of your blogger moments?

1 comment:

  1. #3 I get so nervous talking to authors too! I can never think of what to say and I get all startstruck and freaked out.

    #4 I love my author swag too. I'm planning on scrapbooking all of it, but until then it's kept safely out of the kiddie's hands.

    #6 I want to read FIRE AND FLOOD so bad. It sounds amazing. :)
