
Monday, December 16, 2013

The Cat's Meow

The Cat's Meow is the newly version of Bloggers Time, so I'm giving you some updates

Today I got a very special surprise in the mail, I mean I was in awe that there were no words.
I got my very first ARC from the Publisher, I am part of Victoria Scott's Walker family list and blogger list but I was in total darkness of what that could mean for me and now I know, you can receive ARCs and other goodies :-) 

Victoria Scott's upcoming book Fire and Blood been one of the thing buzzing for Victoria and I've follow closely on the buzzing news. I couldn't wait to Fire and Blood to come out but never in a million year, I thought I would get an ARC. This will be a milestone for me as a blogger. 

Now you're thinking "well I read books from Netgallery or Edelweiss isn't that consider ARC?" In a way yes but I'm more of the printed books than ebooks but I do read ebook that I've requested from Netgallery and Edelweiss. 

I can't wait to read FIRE AND BLOOD!!! 

Another note, I do have another ARC book that I won from Jennifer's Armentrout's giveaway and that was WHITE HOT KISS. I haven't started reading it yet but between now and beginning of the New Year I will. Also she signed it! 

I did get an author request back in early November but because I was in the middle of school that I couldn't read as much I would like to. I told her that I'll get around to it when I'm all done with my semester classes, Now I am done with school and I'll work hard on reading her book and get ready to write reviews and reviews that I'm behind on. 

Between now and the end of the month I'll work hard on getting everything done that I've left behind and be ready to start the new year.

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