
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Best Couples of 2013

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Wow this is a really hard post for me since some couples only made a huge impact on me an others were "I need more to grow on". I'm not trying to leave any books behind but there were some books that the characters that weren't emitting chemistry right off the bat (yet). 

Top 2013 Best Couples

Soul Screamers ~ Kaylee and Tod
Now in the beginning of the series Kaylee was with Nash, Tod's youngest brother and for the first three books they were really hitting it off until addiction came along. Then in My Soul to Steal there was Sabine, Nash's EX showing up and that caused more tension between Kaylee and Nash but Tod gives Kaylee an eye opener in MSTSteal that made her really think about her relationship with Nash. But then when the twist in If I DIE occurs, the one person who was willing to do anything to make sure that Kaylee would not die in horror . . . Yes I'm talking about Tod.
In IID Tod finally opens up about his feeling for Kaylee. The most heart (well two) heart-wrenching moments in IID was when Tod believes that he doesn't deserve Kaylee and shouldn't feel the way he does and the other moment was the most painstaking part of IID, was Kaylee's death. Tod became her knight in shining armor. 
BUT Kaylee is survived in a sense and Tod is there to help her transition this new her but Kaylee was left with the things that happen in IID that she wished ended better. Tod and Kaylee will spend their  eternal lives together. With All My Soul, Kaylee makes some greater sacrifice and when it was time Tod came back swooping in as her knight in shining armor. 
Now this is a lot but Kaylee and Tod shows that nothing will ever defeat their eternal love even if hell did rise and show it's ugly face. 
They will protect the ones they love.

Pushing the Limits ~ Rachel and Isaiah
The good girl and bad boy concept, we all know them and either have a love or hate for them but you can't hate Rachel and Isaiah story. Rachel has the perfect ideal life, but Rachel been living under a ghost's shadow, the only time she's ever herself is around cars.
Isaiah lives on the edge and under radar until he is of age and out of the system. During a night of wrong time, wrong places Rachel finds herself in unfamiliar territory and Isaiah happens to be there and he saw a angel in trouble.
The chemistry that Isaiah and Rachel has was like a fire being ignited, they share the common interests and have their love for cars. However both Rachel and Isaiah turn to each other when reality becomes tough. These two really show what falling in love is about, sometimes being at the wrong place wrong time might bring you one step closer to someone you just met and has instant connection.
Also opposites do attract. 

Prequel Nightshade ~ Ember and Barrow
Honestly I was jumping all over the place during RIFT when Ember and Barrow first appears, Barrow seems stand-off however when Barrow becomes Ember's trainer you could tell there is chemistry right off the bat.
Although Ember didn't expect to fall in love with someone but she also dealt with a friend who want to be much more than friends. When there are enemies close by, and evil lurking who can you trust? Ember lies her trust with Barrow because he had guided her and gives her the confident that she didn't think she has.
But Barrow also trust Ember, not as another warrior but someone with his heart for the first time ever and he can't imagine surviving these dark times without Ember.
They will fight to the end!

Lux Series ~ Katy and Daemon
The journey Katy and Daemon has really brought them together although Daemon at first did everything he could to keep Katy away from his family but that didn't really work. During the first two books, Katy and Daemon could barely stand each other but with some of the discovery about alien mutation with a human that changes some things between them but still at it with each other.
Then OPAL happens, they finally came to swallow their pride and admit that they really like each other. But they only just begun being together as a couple before the two are separate.
Daemon's desires and fears all centers Katy and now he must do everything and anything to protect her because he loves her.

Gone with the Wolf ~ Drake and Emelia 
Drake Wilder has given up on searching for his luminary but sometimes fates works in mysterious ways. When he meet Emelia, he is taken aback of her spitfire personality and is determine to find out more about her.
Emelia didn't know at the time that the guy she was planning on seducing to save her bar was Drake, she starts to wonder if Drake is all that. Emelia begins facing unusual things starting with an extremely strong biker who nearly chokes her to death and Drake comes to her rescue. however things that revolves around Drake doesn't add up until Emelia meets Drake's twin brother Silas.
Drake had no choice when Silas attack Emelia and has to complete her transition. Nothing will ever be the same for Emelia but her life is just starting with Drake at her side making her the most powerful female of Drake's Seattle Pack.

Shatter Me ~  Juliette and Adam
Juliette never thought that she could ever be touched by anyone for life but when Adam comes along and during their time together. He's is Juliette's Savior. The bird that Juliette dream that would come and set her free. But also he could touch her without being hurt or killed, and that was new with Juliette that she thrives his touches.
Adam shares his devotion and his mission in protecting the ones that are important to him. He care about those that needs help and he gives a sense of hope.
Although Juliette and Adam are in a dangerous time and place they can only rely on each other to get out of deep messes that they might have been dragged into.

Oath Bound ~ Kris and Sera
Kris has always put others before himself, he's unselfish and uses his skills well. When his youngest sister is taken away again Kris has the mean to break into the Tower's syndicate and save his sister but when he is face with two of the tower's member along with guards, he see one girl with a yellow scarf.  
Sera lost everything she's ever love, and now she resort to going to her biological father's family to get a favor however she hides one single most important detail from everyone around her. 
Kris goes back to a journal that his old flame had predict and he make notes however he had a difficult time deciphering them but when that Yellow Scraf appears Kris takes the girl and figure out what it was he was suppose to prevent. 
Both Kris and Sera are strong-willed but fragile too, with Kris chasing a ghost and Sera chasing a killer together they can both help but Kris has to let go of the past and move on to what's in front of him and Sera can finally trust someone. 

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