
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Blogger Times: NaNoWriMo

Hey guys!

Now while my blog is fairly active I am not, not mentally or physically . . . I'm too busy with school and studying. Now I made a huge decision last month or three months ago that I would join NaNo, and I'm excited for that however my schooling will be getting in the way of that.

I have two HUGE anatomy tests back to back the first week of November so I will not be writing, I CAN"T write because of the hours required to study. So I will for sure not reach my word count of that week, if I do that's a miracle.

If you want in on NaNo check out their website,
if you are doing NaNo let's be buddies if you want
I'm with a group on FB for NaNo that is run by Denise Grover Swank, so if you want come and join us (I think, I'm not sure if it is now a closed group) 

We all have our own goals for NaNo, mine is just being able to finished this book, while apparently working on another that isn't in a deadline. I know it's crazy for me to work on two different Novels but I can't help it, I'm trying to grow this Rough Draft on NaNo that I've started before NaNo and try to complete it but I'm also working on the other Rough Draft that I'm just in love with. Two different dynamics and two completely different story.

Some advices:
  1. Rough Draft are always ugly no matter how many glitz and glam you put on it to make it pretty
  2. Be in the groove to write, DO NOT EVER FORCE
  3. Are you the quiet setting one? Wear earplugs or tell the kids to occupy themselves
  4. Are you someone that need something to help you move along? Play music (that what I do)
  5. There's is inspiration all around you, You have to decide what inspires you the most. 
  6. Go to Pinterest and create a characters board or visualize your book world,
  7. Most importantly HAVE FUN WITH IT! 
  8. Remember it's only the first draft
In other related news, I've been participating in blog tour for two truly awesome books by two amazing authors, One being Four Weddings and a Werewolf by Kristin Miller and A Risk Worth Taking by Heather Hildenbrand,

My Guest post with Heather doesn't go live until November 8th, so be sure to stop on back and find out what I'd asked about Taking Risks. 

I've also read books on the side,
The Beautiful and the Cursed by Page Morgan
Children of the Mist by Jenny Brigalow
and more importantly Crash Into You by Katie McGarry

I'd like to thanks Netgallery for Children Of The Mist and Edelweiss for Crash Into You, I've already owned a copy of The Beautiful and the Cursed.

However I have to still review them plus Olivia Twisted by Vivi Barnes but as I mention way back that while I may be reading books I might not be reviewing them due to school. But my plan is to have all the Reviews done before this year ended.

Be sure to watch out for Books Releases since I'm still actively doing that plus some Mouse Watch, did anyone see the Mouse Watch header I made? By Paint? Well here's it is again . . . Not Too bad for first time using paint.


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