
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Book Review: A Risk Worth Taking

A Risk Worth Taking by Heather Hildenbrand

A Risk Worth TakingWhen 22-year-old Summer Stafford’s parents split halfway through her senior year at college, Summer’s world is rocked. Everything she thought she knew—heck, everything she thought she wanted for her own life—feels like a lie. The truth is love is a risk. And the true kind, the kind that lasts, might even be a fairy tale.

Reeling from the divorce, Summer derails her own future by breaking up with her parent-approved boyfriend and giving up her lifelong plans for a big-city career. She moves back home, business degree in hand. Dad needs her to fill the gaps her mother left behind; Summer needs to find who she is outside of the cookie-cutter life that failed so miserably for her parents.

Ford O’Neal’s future involves one person: himself. He doesn’t have a permanent address and he definitely doesn’t commit. To a place or a person. Raised by hippies, he plans just far enough ahead to secure his next stop, this one landing him at a work-study program at Heritage Plantation where he can grow his own herbal and medicinal creations.

Summer is gorgeous and smart and fun to be with, the perfect way to pass five months. It won’t be love—Ford’s got too many things to accomplish, too many places to go, before he settles down. Yet Summer pulls him in, challenging him to rethink his own philosophy.

When Ford’s five months are up, each of them must decide if love is really worth the risk.
Expected publication: October 22nd 2013 by Accendo Press

I've received an early ebook copy for my part in the blog tour and for an honest review . . . My blog post for the tour will be November 8th so be sure to come and see who's a guest post!

Summer never been the one whose willing to take a risk, everything was always thought out and planned accordingly. But when her parents separates, she didn't expect it . . . and now is back on her father farm helping out. There she reevaluate herself and figure out what she truly wants . . . soon she'll learn that the one thing she wants is only here for a short time on the farm.
Ford has a plan . . . a dream plan but Summer wasn't part of the plan, not by a long shot. He fights his desires to want her but one kiss . . . one touch wasn't enough.
The stakes are high, one wrong decision can make or break this story of where Summer and Ford takes their own risks . . . with their heart.
This book is absolutely filled with fast pace summer love (yes you heard me summer love as I'm reciting Grease). Ford and Summer will have to decide on if this summer romance is worth the keep and worth the risks.

This book deserve my bundle of kittens, sometimes the risks are worth it and you can truly find a happy ending even with all the risk you've taken. So ask yourself this, Would you take the Risk?

Meow . . . Meow . . . Meow
While I haven't read many NA books and some being on my Mouse Watch list that I feel like I'm a newbie at reading NA books. Heather's book "A Risk Worth Taking" delivers a whole new form of summer romance, (yes) you'll have those summer flings and such but beyond that you're still trying to figure out what you want to do in life.

So that what Summer did or at least she tried to, working on her dad farm and dealing with the reality of her parents divorce and breaking up with a decent guy from college. Yep Summer was getting off to a great start for the summer season.

I guess Summer didn't realizes that the newest/temporary worker on the farm was drop dead gorgeous would drive her to distraction but what she doesn't know are what Ford's plans were. Ford's goals in life were set, and he never thought of nothing else until he saw Summer and boy those two clicked it off right away. I thought they were going to make out right then and there at the kitchen table.

The journey for them was full of risks and then it became real, I was rooting for the ever after for Summer and Ford but for Ford he had other ideas that didn't include Summer but Summer hoped he changed his mind and I did too! So the break up was heartbreaking, I wished that Ford saw that everything he ever wanted was right there and right in front of him. 

The infamous quote where I can't seem to find it and whomever wrote it, "absence makes the heart grow fonder" and that is exactly what happens with Ford after a few weeks. The moment he return everything was bright and sunny for Summer although she did have doubts. Ford will spend most of his life making it up to her.

The way Heather ended the book was bittersweet and I couldn't see it any other way of how it should ends, I would wish for more Summer and Ford but as I saw around the Internet people are asking for Casey and I could agree with that girl that was on his list.  

Heather's new NA book is really something else that I can't explain however I can say this . . . It is absolutely amazing! You'll want this book and read Ford and Summer's Risk of Love.  

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