
Friday, October 4, 2013

Blogger Times: Stacking the Shelf with Swags

Boy it's October already? well I haven't made any books hull lately but I have won a few prizes . . .

Way back in August I won a Vampire Swag Giveaway on Avery's Nook who featured Chloe Neill for Authors are Rockstars and I was so excited! I had no idea what I would be getting but I did make a effor to tell Chloe herself that I have most of her books except for the last two that been published. Nicely she said that she wasn't in control of what the publishing house send out but hey at least it was an effort.

So the month of September went by and it didn't come across me untill last week about not recieveing the Vampire Swag yet. But I told myself don't worry about it but I had to worry, see my town has two of the same name except mine is Street and the other one is Lane. So I was very worried that it was mistaken for Lane and not Street. But Lo and Behold! it finally came!

So what did I get in the Vampire Swag?

Quotations Postcards

Novitiate bagde

Now who doesn't love getting bookmarks? Front to Back

Now really come on this is what we hunt for,
Bitting Bad (Chicagoland #8)

The Vampir SWAG

This sneaky button was still hiding in the packaging so it was the last thing being photography and didn't make it in the photo above

While I haven't begun reading this series, but I'm sure I'll survived but we'll see.
My next add was a giveaway through the truly awesome Fiktshun, there was a little email hiccups bcause for some reason I never got the email until tuesday when she contacted me. (Most giveaways I've won were from her!) So it was unusal for me not to reply but also unusal that my email never got it.
So the giveaway was Kresley Cole's  Endless Knight (the Arcana Chronicles #2) book, which just came out and the cover is just lovely and magicial. Now all I have to do is buy the first book and like always with my blogger/reader failure is not reading all the amazing books people gushs about.
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So this made my week! Well I'm off to review and have a good weekend everybody!

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