
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Blogger Times: SassyCat's Schedule

Boy! It's August already? I have so much going on with life and preparing for school again. So what is happening on SassyCat's Schedule?

What's going on with SassyCat?
Well Truthfully . . . I haven't read so much, like I said life been busy so I haven't put my time into reading and I know I want to read but I want to do other things at the moments.

I'm heading back to the gym and getting my exercise on while listening to music, I'm trying to get myself healthy and motivated to eat healthy and exercise right all the while I will be heading back to school.

Upcoming SassyCat's Things 
I'm part of the Steel Lily Blog Tour by Megan Curd and I'm doing a lot of cover reveals or release blitzs or doing my book releases for the month of August. I'm trying to read some books but because I still have to write reviews I'm holding myself off.
In early September I will be part of the divided world tour organize by Xpresso Reads, I will be featuring a review of book one which I still have to read yet. Have I mention how its August already?

Have I brought any books lately?
Why yes! I brought one of my Mouse Watch books, Soul Screamers Volume 3 and it will be the first time I'll read Never To Sleep as well Replica by Jenna Black (I have it on my current reading but I haven't picked up the book since last week). Then I brought a book for my friend's birthday I can't say until she gets her gift because I'm sure she checks out my blog every once in awhile. 

So school starts soon, will I have time to blog?
Maybe not as much as I would like but I will do my best, I'm taking two courses that I know my brains will be working very hard on and reading those boring textbooks again. However I'm intrigue about my anatomy/ physiology class, part of our supplies is color pencils mmm? Maybe there's be some fun things but math? Not my strongest suit even though I do fine in some area. Most of my area of degree I've found math is almost never used.
I also might be working but that is not definite, finding a job is not an easy task and I hate interviews really . . . There a point for it but other part about interviews is that if you don't have the right qualification they won't bother.

Future Blogging
I'll drop in every now and then, I think if I plan according when to do posts, it will seem I'm blogging often but I have it schedule so wish me luck on my studies and I'll always make it to a point to have fun while in school. 

You can find me on Twitter, I'm sure I won't disappear from that because I love keeping tabs on everyone and interacting with everyone, so it wouldn't seem right if I disappear off of Twitter as well.

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