
Monday, August 26, 2013

Blogger Times: Review & Hiatus

Sadly this will be one of the few blogging I will do since school is starting but I'm just letting you know that while I may be absent, I'll still try to blog every once in awhile.

My two topic today is Reviewing and Hiatus . . .

Blogging is something I love to do along with reading books however one thing that will always remain a challenge is reviewing. Yeah you think it's easy but it not when you are struggling to find the words and give a brief inside look of a book. Plus you don't want to spoil things, but my problem is determining what's a spoiler and what's not. I'm working hard on re-creating my reviewing craft but then my next problem is having the time to read and review.
I do have two books that are going to be reviewed because I've read them or I'm a part of a blog tour, so I'm battling blogger fatigue as well.

So how about you? How do you review and what are some of your guidelines or rules you follow?
SassyCat on Hiatus
On to hiatus, I'll be starting school very quickly here and I doubt I'll have time to read but if I do get a chance to read that would be great! But those reviews will not be going up anytime after I read the book, time is permitted. As far as blogging like I do now may be minimum but I plan to do the books releases posts since I have a word doc with a list of books being release certain months and weeks. So I will on weekends be composing and scheduling them. Hopefully there'll be a few Mouse Watch as well. Just because my blog is going to be under a long cat nap,  I'm still 100% committed to my blog but now I have to commit to school.

So wish me good luck this semester and MEOW for now 

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