
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Who are my Blogger BFFs: Day Three

Blogger BFFs

I made so many great connections with people in the blogosphere universe and someday I hope to meet these lovely people face to face.

Rachel @ Fiktshun, believe it or not I found out about her through a common book that we both love and from then on I love her posts and just how much she put her time into giving honest reviews and doing amazing guest posts and interviews. Plus I love the giveaways from her.
Here's a photo of one of Rachel's Avatar ;-)

Jessica @ Hackaroo's Review, I stumble across her when she made a comment with one of my favorite author and I just had to put in my 2 cents. Then it turns out we both love a lot of things, then that leads us to talking on twitter back and forth. We can go back and forth on a lot of things that i related to books or non related.

Kara @ Great Imagination, I was recommend to her through a mutal friend and while I still haven't ask for her editing services cause I'm still working on my craft, but I began following her blog and twitter chats. We both are big Backstreet Boys and we're both very excited for their new album. We also both loves animals to our souls.

There are so many lovely people in the blogosphere that I can't possibly pick and choose but these gals I've made a lot of connections and I hope I get to meet more!

1 comment:

  1. Aw thank you so much Kat! I hope to meet you at some bookish event some day too! :) And oh my gosh I know, there are so many awesome people in this community it's way too hard to just list a few!
