
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Deal Breakers: Day Fourteen

The Book Blogging Challenge is almost done! April of Good Books and Good Wine brought this to us and everyone is buzzing about it. If you haven't heard about it, then check out anywhere by typing "15 Days Book Blogger Challenge" and the result will be phenomenal.
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Good Books And Good Wine
We talked about a lot of things and now we will talk about deal breakers . . . yes deal breakers. While I do try to find the best deal breakers, sometimes those deal breakers find me. 

I'd much rather pay for full price but it good that I can get a deal on some books . . . however with the piracy problems some consider that a deal breaker for those who steals and doesn't pay a cent.

But then the authors doesn't get paid, their book get demoted, and then books are wounded. So as you can see deal breakers are not always good, sometimes it worth the money in your pocket to be spent at full price.

Also any deals you make be sure it done through a legitimate distributor, and if authors are presenting an free Ebook be sure that it is on their site or on the publishing site. Some places might copy what was once free and is no longer because those Ebooks might have made it in paper.

So what are some of my deals? Well in the last month I made a really great deal on a hardcover copy of The Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. The original price was 19.99 (Yes Twenty bucks for a book, but it was the first edition and it was also hardcover and HC tend to run a few more bucks than the paperbacks) but Barnes and Noble were reducing it's price and then I used a Barnes and Noble code. (Codes tends to be helpful around holidays so I consider very highly when using codes) And boom! the book in HC was under 10 bucks! WOW!

In April, when I got really sick and trying to recuperate I needed a book that was being released very soon by my favorite author, but I decided to look around a little bit more and found out that Jennifer L Armentrout's Lux books were reduce prices as well. They were about 5 and something cents a piece! I thought this would be the perfect time to buy the series and start reading them (I know Onyx Review isn't up yet and I'm trying to get it done and then I have Opal to read but I might not read it until later this year)

Have you notice Mass Paperback books have different varies of prices? Well I have and I'm not 100% sure on why I mean some were 6.99 and other were 7.99. Maybe it based on how long it been out?

So what were some of your deal breakers? Do you typically look for a good deal or are you willing to pay full price?

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