
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Choose a BOOK!: Day Ten

You're done with a book but now you're stuck with the thought of what am I going to read next?
Well I can say shopping for books is much easier than picking out what book to read next, there are so many to choose from!

So let's get started . . .
As you can see I have quiet a few to choose from
So how do I choose? I don't think much about it . . . I just sort of grab whatever book that seem interesting to read.
Other times when I'm reading a series, I will grab the next book in the series (if I haven't had to wait)
What to read on the Ipad is a different story, I'm trying to get used to reading more on the Ipad but I love the paper format so much more so I read books that are on the Ipad at night unless I'd started a new paperback book read.
So picking out what book to read is hard, I just don't know what I'll be in a mood for but I think my next couple reads are books that I've been hearing and or were recent purchase.
Plus I am heading back to the gym so I will be taking a book with me to read while I bike
How do you choose a book . . .
Thanks again April of Good Books and Good Wine for bring this blogger challenge!
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Good Books And Good Wine

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