
Monday, July 15, 2013

Blogger Times: Where I've been

I haven't gone anywhere as you can tell with my numerous posts, however I am participating in a 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge. So that takes up a lot of my blogging time . . . writing and posting is a lot of work luckily this isn't hand-written otherwise I would have given up long ago because I am horrible with writing and my hand tends to cramp when I write for long period of times. Thanks God for Technology!

So I haven't been anywhere . . . but I'll update on what I've been reading

I am reading at least three books this month (well trying to) I just have a lot of reading to do and they are mostly on my Ipad.

Netgallery Books
I am staying away from Netgallery for the meantime because I have about 5 books that are from the wonderful site but either A) I haven't read the book or B) I haven't written the review. I am trying my best to get these books read.
Some books are released in August so I will put my focused on reading or reviewing perhaps both for theirs August release.
I am putting the ones that have already been released on hold until I actually have time to read them, but they will not be read without a review.

Book Blog Tours
On the other hands, I am doing two book blog tours in the month of August and September
One I am SO HAPPY to be a part of because I just love her as an Author and as a friend,
Steel Lily By Megan Curd released date is August 20th and I have to do either A)Author Review B)Guest Post or C)Characters Interview. But I still have to finished reading the darn book . . . it's really good but my eyes are not wanting to read as quickly as I would like them to.  So I have a lot to do in preparation of Steel Lily Book Blog Tour.

Then the other tour I'll be on is Divided Worlds Book Tour, I am only reviewing book #1 because I haven't read the series yet. This tour is for the third book that is being released, what nice about this tour is that they schedule people to read either Book 1, Book 2, or Book 3 and among other things.
I am still waiting for my review copy and my review won't be live until the 6th of September so I have a while to go but I will be starting school at the end of August.

Stacking the Shelf
I have gotten The Clockwork Princess By Cassandra Clare and False Memory by Dan Krokos just a few days ago. Because Dan's second book of his series is under my netgallery books I had to go and buy the first book and read that first before jumping into book two. The book itself sound interesting so I can't wait to read it.

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