
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Blogger Times: Stacking the Shelves + About My Trip

Hey Guys!
So I am back in my humble home and bed, I have posted a post earlier about my absent and now I have return back to blogging. Plus internet is available to me ;-)

First a little insight on my trip, if you weren't aware of where I went and what I did . . . I was in Baltimore, MD or also known as "Charm City" It was fun trip and one of the best part was the converted Power Plant into Barnes and Noble. It was HUGE!!! Well at least from my perpective.

Yes I did buy books, while I was looking for a specfic book it's turns out that the book is going into paperback. Also I've gotten books from my local store and from Armchair BEA prizes as well prizes from Fiktshun. So my Stacking the Shelves was huge!

Stacking the Shelves

 Book List
ARC Black City by Elizabeth Richards (I also got signed bookmarks from Elizabeth after posting a Phoenix is Out Contest) [Fiktshun's Giveaway] [Elizabeth Richards's Photo Contest]
ARC Unbreakable by Elizabeth Norris [Fiktshun's Giveaway]

The Beautiful and The Cursed by Page Morgan [Local Bookstore BAM]

Loose Dogs by Kristen Mortensen [Armchair BEA]

The Last Keeper by Michelle Birbeck [Armchair BEA]

Last Chance by Michelle Birbeck [Armchair BEA]

A Glimpse Into Darkness by Michelle Birbeck [Armchair BEA]

Gone by Michael Grant [Barnes & Noble]

Ashes, Ashes by Jo Treggiari [Barnes & Noble]

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo [Barnes & Noble]

Vial 023: A Father's Pursuit of Justice By Gary Cross [Conference that I attended]

Happy Reading

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