
Friday, June 21, 2013

Obsidian (Lux #1) Review


Obsidian (Lux, #1)Starting over sucks.

When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I'd pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring.... until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up.

And then he opened his mouth.

Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something...unexpected happens.

The hot alien living next door marks me.

You heard me. Alien. Turns out Daemon and his sister have a galaxy of enemies wanting to steal their abilities, and Daemon's touch has me lit up like the Vegas Strip. The only way I'm getting out of this alive is by sticking close to Daemon until my alien mojo fades.

If I don't kill him first, that is

Paperback, 2nd Edition, 361 pages
Published May 8th 2012 by Entangled Teen (first published November 23rd 2011)

My first Alien book! Sure it's not the little green men that I hear of from the x-files but green eyes are known to be daring. Don't believe me? look at the Obsidian cover more closely then you tell me otherwise.
Moving in a small town in West Virgina was not what Katy had in mind, she imagined herself still at the beach soaking up the Florida sun. But it was time for a change her mom said, it was time to move on from the past.
Katy's goal was to introduce herself to the next door neighbor where two teens her age live in but what she got was daring green eyes staring right back her . . . His name is Dameon Black.
Daemon does just about anything to annoyed Katy but when his sister Dee get too close in making friends with Katy he want to break up this friendship before it even happens. Why?
Daemon and Dee has a secret . . . They're not from Earth or any of the surrounding planets and when Katy seems to be drawn to Dee and even Dameon (some times) that raises some concerns, how close is too close?

This is Purr Fest! I love it so much that I choose to read Onyx next, now I am focused on reading Onyx and I have no idea what's coming.
So here's an awesome note, Katy is a blogger like me! But I don't have that Daemon Black bothering my every thoughts and driving me insane. But that what makes this book so fun and entertaining, the love/hate relationship between Katy and Daemon is funny.
When Daemon's twin sister Dee instantly connects with Katy, Daemon must do what he can to break up the friendship before it happens since there is too much at stakes for his family and for other people that are like him.
But Dee isn't going to take on Daemon's pestering she like having a "normal" friend  and the bonus is that Katy lives right next door to her. After Daemon had said some hurtful things to Katy, Dee punish Daemon by taking his keys and tells him to apologize and make amends with Katy.
Soon Katy realizes that Daemon and Dee aren't from around here, after Katy been attack and daemon stepping in to save her, but this isn't where the secret is revealed in fact daemon has no choice but to tell Katy the truth after she witness the unthinkable.
The secret is out but what is a Lux? They are being of lights, they can bend light at their will and some even are able to do other things. Lux is Latin for light in case anyone was wondering. But just like any other others, Lux has enemies called Arum that search for the most powerful and drain them of their powers thus killing them.

Can I say that Katy always ends up at the wrong place wrong time? because she does and who comes to the rescue . . . Daemon. But that is not the worst of it, whenever Daemon uses his ability its leaves a trace and the only way to get rid of a trace is by some form of physical activities otherwise the Arum can find you and will kill you no matter what.

Katy done a lot to help Daemon and Dee, she even faced a Arum alone until her last breath but lucky Daemon arrived just soon enough and then Daemon, Dee and Katy were getting injured but Daemon forced himself to protect Katy and Dee. In the end Katy ends up saving Daemona and Dee somehow but it left her so weak where Daemon did the unthinkable . . . healing her.

And if you really wonder if Daemon does have feelings for Katy, the bonus chapters of Daemon's POV certainly tells all. If you don't have that edition, unless you were able to get them in ebook format I would go buy the newly edition one with the bonus features. ;-)

Book one of the Lux series was fast driven, heart-pounding and love/hate entertaining, I would recommend to anyone whose looking for an alien theme book.
Favorite Quotes
Any time Daemon calls Katy, Kitten is my fav of all times ;-)
"Oh, you know, just that the color red is Daemon's favorite." ~ Dee

"The Arum will end up killing him." Her tone didn't change one bit. It remained flat, emotionless.b "Because of you, little human. He will get himself killed protecting you." ~ Ash
"Too late to tell her how I felt, to touch, to just hold her, to make up for every terrible thing I' done and said. It was too late for me." ~ Daemon


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