
Friday, June 14, 2013

Blogger Times: Not Hiding Out I Swear!

Heya my fellow readers and bloggers, I know I've been slightly absent from blogging and such . . . There are a few reasons to why I'm absent so I'll start with the biggest one

#1: My Laptop got infected, yes unfortunately that happens and it's been infected before in the past so I had to do a lot of my online stuff on the home desktop. Now surely you would think that shouldn't keep me from doing what I do on my laptop but reality is . . . it does!
Most places I go online since as blogger or email, heck even Twitter I have a automatic sign in just by typing the first letter of my user name then the rest is taken care of.

Another thing is everything that I do on my laptop, I try to keep it conceal from people around me I don't like snoopers or looking over my shoulder types so I did minimum stuff on the desktop or I tried to be discreet about it.
So that was my biggest issue was not having my laptop and I know how authors feels when something goes wrong.

#2: I had relatives over so I couldn't do much because I had to mesh with them.

#3: Have any of you serve Jury duty? Well I haven't so far but it is a two week term and I have no idea how long trials take in a day. So I have to do a constant check on my County Website to see if my number was picked. Honesty I don't find the point in doing this, I mean come on I'm 22 and I'm sure there are enough people older than me that can do Jury duty as well. But that's just my luck

#4: I am getting ready to travel to Baltimore, MD for a convention, so I've been researching on places to see while I'm there! Anyone in the Baltimore area? Please make a suggestion . . . but no guarantee that I'll be able to check it out.

I'm also taking my camera (The canon T3i Rebel, not the old camera that is also canon but it is a point and shoot style) Well my mom figure we need to find a case for the Rebel to travel with through security without it being too bulky so there was that task . . . finding a case.

Also I still have to PACK!!!! Trust me packing a 5 days worth of clothes and items is tough. Mom and I have a lot to do before we take off and we are going to have a very tight schedule.

#5: Have I been reading? Yes and No, I've done some reading in a short time slot but then I'm working on the reviews for those books. I think I have become more picky on how I write the review and making sure that it is helpful to my readers. But also helping out the authors getting some time in the spotlight. So here's some books I've read/working on review
  • 1) The Blood Code by Misty Evans (The review is schedule to be posted on the day of its released)
  • 2)Into the Fire Review and Guest Post (The review is finished I'll probably post it on the same day as my guest post with Amanda next week June 17th)
  • 3) I've just finished reading Obisidian by Jennifer L Armentrout and that review still has to be written but again I'd just finished it.
  • 4) Werewolves Be Damned was already post this week so I've check that off my list (Not that I use a check list)
  • 5) I gotten a request to review a book (this is my first author request to review their book so I'm excitied to read it) Its a reissued book called "The World Is Your Litter Box: Deluxe Edition: A How-To Manual for Cats" by

So I'm not trying to be in a cave or hiding out but since things requried a face to face than going online, I must go pay attention to that then come back to the internet. So be sure to check out my guest post with Amanda Usen and review of Into the Fire on June 17th

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