
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Blog Tour: Soul Taken

I am thrilled to be able to participate in the book blast for Katlyn Duncan’s SOUL TAKEN which released this week on June 4th!
To help spread the word about this awesome first book in the author’s new series The Life After, I have a GUEST POST from Katlyn in which she shares Top 10 Fun Facts About SOUL TAKEN.

There is also a short EXCERPT included in this post which definitely makes me want to read on to find out just what happens next.

The cover is amazing, the book sounds incredibly exciting and the author is awesome, so I am more than excited to share a little bit about SOUL TAKEN with my blog’s readers.

Book Description
After-life just got a lot more complicated

Maggie is a Soul Collector. It’s her job to transport souls from the Living Realm to the After – but during a mission to find a stolen soul, she ends up stuck in a teen mean girl’s body.

Trapped, Maggie’s soul is catapulted into Ally’s life – and the human world she hasn’t experienced for one hundred years. But, as a descendant of the most powerful beings in the After, Maggie must rescue Ally before the girl’s soul dies…

To survive, Maggie must uncover devastating secrets – because with one soul taken by a terrifying enemy, Maggie’s could be next!
Published June 4th 2013 by Carina UK
TITLE: SOUL TAKEN (The Life After #1)
Author: Katlyn Duncan
Release date: June 4th
Publisher: Carina UK
Genre: YA Paranormal
About the Author
Katlyn Duncan was born and raised in a small town in western Massachusetts. Her overactive imagination involved invisible friends, wanting to be a Disney Princess and making up her own stories. Her bibliophile mom always encouraged her love of reading and that stayed with her since. Even though she works full time in the medical field Katlyn has always made time for books, whether she is reading or writing them.

Katlyn now lives in southern Connecticut with her husband and adorable Wheaten Terrier and she is thrilled to finally share her stories with the world.

Guest Post

Top 10 Fun Facts About SOUL TAKEN
1.  The inciting incident came about while I was walking into my local CVS about four years ago. And it took those long four years to get it where it is today.
2. Two of the characters are named after dogs that I've had. One is still alive and she is thrilled to be a part of my story.
3. I based the high school after the one I spent four years of my life in. But it had been rebuilt several years ago, now it only lives on in my memory and in the book.
4. Maggie and I share an affinity for cemeteries.
5. It wasn't pitched as a series, but now I get to linger in this world for two more books. 
6. I have a crush on two of my male characters, for very different reasons. (And I hope you will too!)
7. Two of the characters (who will have a much bigger role in Books 2 & 3) were never in the original drafts, they came out of left field and I'm so glad they decided to stay.
8. Gate Seven came from much thought about how I would want my after life paradise to look like.
9. One of my family members plays a small role in the novel. I was a bit nervous to select that scene since it nearly made me cry while writing it, but my editor loved it so much it had to stay. 
10. It has an amazing cover!
I knelt down again next to Ally and reached out to touch her skin. Even though the sensation was unpleasant, I could feel her pulse as it rapidly declined.

“No,” I moaned. I looked up again to see if any of the Guard could help, but no one was around.

I looked back down at Ally. Her face was paling by the second. My soul started to tingle. I leaned closer to her body, reaching my hand out to touch her face again, when her arm moved toward mine.

I jumped back.

Heather pushed through the crowd. “Did she just move? Did I see her move?” Streaks of black mascara ran down her cheeks.

A ringing sensation tickled my ear and I tuned in to the True Soul’s presence. I looked at each human. The True Soul was close, but who had it? They all seemed equally shocked at the tragedy.

An uncomfortable pressure in my chest drew me closer to her body. My soul slanted toward hers until I was practically on top of her. I helplessly watched my hand morph and stretch toward her body.

“What the—?” I tried to pull back but the strength of whatever was happening had other ideas.

My hand disappeared first, then my arm, then my torso.

But before I could call for help, my world went dark.


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