
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Armchaire BEA Day 5: Keeping it Real & Children/Young Adult Literature

It's the first day of the month! But it is also Day 5 of Armchaire BEA 2013

Keeping it Real:

What exactly does "keeping it real" mean? The meaning lays in keeping.
Keeping it real mean, don't be something you're not therefore don't write something that isn't yours. Be yourself, show your personality and love to books and authors all around.

How do you not only grow an audience, but how do you keep them coming back for more?
I can only offer what I can, I think too many bloggers focused on how much audience they get just like if they keep track of twitter follower. They become disappointed when they lose a twitter follower because to them that means that they're not doing enough. You can only do what you can, don't try to do more than you can't handle that is one of my many reasons of closing my wordpress chapter.

I wonder how other bloggers feel when they host giveaways, do they get their normal audience or do they get an audience only looking for freebies? While I haven't hosted any giveaways for numerous reasons, one majority is that I don't have the budget to support me wanting to do giveaways. I just wonder out of those that sign up on the rafflecopter are the blogger's normal audience and the non-audience.

Now my blog is still a newbie out in the blogosphere but I hope by this time next year, I just might be a little further. SassyCat's has not made it big impact yet but soon it will :-)

If you have been around for years, how do you keep your material fresh?
The only thing I could say is by mixing it up, don't just do reviews after reviews posts . . . that sounds boring doesn't it? For me I created a Blogger Times for my blog, it is still book-related in a sense but I can talk about a little bit more stuff that isn't about a review. Like my last Blogger Time post which was titled "Blogger Times: Stacking the Shelves" That post was purely on what books I've purchase in the last couple months or receive from netgallery or perhaps even won from a giveaway.

I know Kara from Great Imaginations does "Stacking the Shelves" posts that she gotten from Tynga's reviews. Their Stacking the shelves means this:  This is where we showcase books we have received or bought during the week.

Just remember posting different things is a way of keeping it fresh but don't over do it, don't feel like you have to post something different everyday . . . I don't. I post when I can since reading can take up a lot of time but also you have to write the post and that takes much longer to do.

How do you continue to keep blogging fun?
Blogging about books is fun! I just remind myself that Books need loving and so do the authors because they put a lot of work into it.  But also as you may have notice, I used a lot of visuals that can always make blogging fun you get to post pretty visuals like doing a cover reveal ;-)
Children/Young Adult Literature:

What are the top 5 (or more) books that every child should have on his shelf?
Is this a trick question? Cause I'm at a loss for words to say for what books every child should have.

The most important one is Dr. Seuss, we all grew up with his books as his legacy continues
Disney Classics ( I actually have the "BIG" books of a couple Disney classics )
Winnie the Pooh
Arthur Books by Marc Brown

Illustrations Books:
Stellaluna by Janell Cannon
The Mitten by Jan Brett
Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans

YA Books to have:
Harry Potter by J.K. Rowlings
Hush, Hush Series by Becca Fitzpatrick
Warriors Series by Erin Hunter
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Soul Screamers by Rachel Vincent
Nighshade Series by Andrea Cremer

If you are an adult who reads YA, why do you keep going back for more?
Haha Why do I keep going back for more? Well for one if the book isn't over then I am determine to continue that series until the end.

I think I also keep coming back for more because the interest is there and you just have to know what happens next, that was my many case with the Soul Screamers Series. Kaylee went through some tough times in My Soul to Keep then dealt with a new thing in My Soul to Steal but the biggest twist was If I DIE. Talk about Whoa! I did not see that coming.

Also I think I can related as far as age group even though now I am in my 20's but I still like feeling like an teen again when I read YA

If you are not a reader of these books, think back to your childhood and share your favorites from your younger years.
Ok this is my chance to confess to you guys, as a child . . . I hated reading books any kind of books. I literally had to be forced to read a book like for example a book report or for class activities. This went on through high school until sometime 2008 or 2009, I read Twilight (cliche I know) but that for some reason made a change in my reading perspective.

So Christmas 2009 I got a boat load of books that I actually wanted to read.

Now I can't stop reading much less buying books, no I haven't really made a jump to ebooks, I like the paper form thank you very much. But I will be willing to read ebooks because sometimes that is just how they come.

After a day of watching storms roll through, I also spent my day writing this post now I have to figure out what will my Wrap Up post will be.


  1. thanks for your reflection and sharing of these titles.
    I organize giveaways myself, some readers get to know this way and they stay around

  2. I think losing followers would be hard for me...but I also think that we focus on the numbers too much. I have hosted plenty of giveaways and plan to do more, but I can't control whether the people who sign up for my giveaways are following me for me or for the giveaway. I do like to reward my readers, but I completely understand now having the funds to support your own giveaways. Good post.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know
