
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

ARMCHAIR BEA: Introduction

Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?
My name is Kat hence the titled being SassyCat's, I'm a student pursuing another degree (Diagnostic Medical Sonography), I love to read books, talk about books, interact with authors on twitter or facebook and I have a dream of becoming a author myself. I've been blogging for awhile but I made the jump to blogger with a new name SassyCat's Books Review because it was time to let go of my old one. From my old blog I blogged about many things but that became too much so I really wanted to create a new blog that would focused on books or book related.

Have you previously participated in Armchair BEA? What brought you back for another year? If you have not previously participated, what drew you to the event?
This is my first Armchair BEA, I heard about BEA before but I never really dig deep into what it was about . . . until now. I saw a lot of blogger that I follow on Twitter talk about BEA, while I wish I was at the NEW YORK BEA event but I just don't have the money to travel or to attend (YET) attending a BEA is on my bucket list, I assure you.

What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2013?
Right now I'm at a standstill with books, I think I've read far too many in a short period of time where my mind is just exploded. But I must say some of those books have gotten me to participate in blog tours (my first one too!) and I made a lot of dedication to reviewing those books.
What are some of favorite books that I've read in 2013? With All My Soul, the final book of Rachel Vincent's Soul Screamer series. I practically grew with the characters in a sense and as a reader because I didn't start getting the book bug until late 2009. Another book that was my favorite read was Rise (Nightshade Prequel #2) By Andrea Cremer, I just love her series. I'm a huge Kitty Norville Series by Carrie Vaughn the last one I read was Dean Man's Hand (Book 5), I really enjoyed it.

Name your favorite blog(s) and explain why they are your favorite(s).
Fiktshun: Rachel writes amazing posts, there is never a dull moment when reading her posts

Parajunkee's: Rachel, she's a blogger designer and a very talented one at that, I took her advice in how to write a great review and I never looked back. It taught me to pace myself when reading a good book and be able to remember details from that book to add to my reviews.

Hackaroo's Review: We both share the love of Rachel Vincent's Soul Screamers and Shifter series and we are both very sad to see both of those series to end as well Rachel's Unbound series. However Jessica is a Jace fan while I am a Marc fan . . . Oh Well

Smiling_Ina's bookish corner: How can I not love the advocacy of Tod Hudson during YA Crush Toruney, Ina does everything she can to get Tod's votes but Tod faces many tough competitors. But I'm sure Kaylee will love him no matter what, he a winner to her.

If you could eat dinner with any author or character, who would it be and why?
Sighs there are so many characters I love and so many authors I adore . . .  but if I had to chose if I really must. I would want to have dinner with the cast of Shifter series by Rachel Vincent, eating an southern style meal with Faythe Sanders and her pride at the Lazy S.

Thanks for stopping at SassyCat's Books Review


  1. Meow, welcome to Armchair BEA. It is never to late to jump in. Unless you jump in once it's over.

  2. I know all about that mind explosion thing! LOL :) Once in a while it's like my brain becomes TOO FULL OF WORDS!

    I hope you're enjoying the ABEA, this is my first time as well. Happy reading!

  3. I loved the early books in the soul screamers series. Haven't finished the last two yet. Nice to meet you.

  4. I hope you are enjoying your first Armchair BEA - it's my first one too!

    And Fikshun is just about my favorite blogger on the web. :-) She's popular and really super nice.
