
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Book Review: Talk to the Paw

Inspired by the true story of a Portland, Oregon, cat who stole from his neighbors--and stole America's heart . . .

Jamie Snyder is thirty-four and single but NOT ready to mingle. After suffering through The Year of the Non-Commital Man, The Year of the Self-Absorbed Man, and The Year of the Forgot-to-Mention-I'm-Married Man, Jamie's ready to celebrate The Year of Me--and MacGyver, of course. MacGyver is an adorable tabby with a not-so-adorable habit of sneaking out at night and stealing things from the neighbors. That's right, MacGyver is a cat burglar. He's still the only male Jamie trusts--and the only companion she needs . . .

MacGyver knows his human is lonely. He can smell it. It's the same smell he's noticed on their neighbor David, a handsome young baker who's tired of his friends trying to fix him up. But now MacGyver's on the case. First, he steals something from David and stashes it at Jamie's. Then, he steals something from Jamie and leaves it with David. Before long, the two are swapping stolen goods, trading dating horror stories, and trying not to fall in love. But they're not fooling MacGyver. When humans generate this much heat, the cat is out of the bag . . .

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW
I was so excited when I got this in the mail from Regina of MEReadALOT, I saw the book on her Instagram and Instantly wanted to read it. However finding it in the bookstore proved to be a challenge and I was about to made the purchase online when I got the package from Regina.

This book was quirky and I love it! There were a lot of part that I laugh at and MacGyver doing his catty thing.

Honestly I wouldn't be opposed to an second book on this or something similar that involves cats playing matchmaking.

Book Review: The Darkest Star


First and foremost : Thank you Regina for sending me this book, I needed this book in my life. 

I had always been a big fan of JLA's Lux series that features Daemon and Kat, I was sad that it had ended but I guess apparently fans didn't want this world to end. So JLA wrote a new journey, a few years down the road and new + old characters. 

Evie Dasher was a new character for me, I was really intrigue by her. She has the similar traits that Kat does. 

But not everything is as it seems. 

Luc is a old character that people wanted to know more about so JLA finally gave us that. Honestly I don't remember too much about him from the Lux series but it had been awhile since I read the Lux series so my memory is sparse. 

But Luc has his own secrets and his own past. 

When JLA first introduce Luc and Evie together, it was clear to me that Luc knew her. I almost thought he was a hired bodyguard, but as the book went on there was so much more to the story. 

Luc is almost like Daemon in a way but more lethal.

I enjoyed the plot of the story, I truly hope that Jen follows through with a 2nd book since this one is not done yet.